Soft Cover Coptic Binding with Kathy Steinsberger

On a beautiful Spring day in Raleigh (April 27, 2024), nearly twenty makers gathered outside Blam! Studio for a workshop with expert book artist and generous teacher Kathy Steinsberger on making a soft cover Coptic binding.  Kathy had set up a tent to shade the group from the sun, and she made additional use of the tent poles by posting “cheat sheets” on them to help participants get their stitching right.

With conversation and laughter the students pierced sewing holes through the centerfold of their signatures and the papyrus covers, then bound their books using the multi-needle chain stitch binding technique. Each participant ended up with a unique and lovely book to take home. Sarah Ann Austin and Andrea Zietlow shared their own samples they had crafted beforehand, and many students said they wanted to make another one right away.  

The little grocery shop and café next door, Rebus Works Market, provided a convenient lunch and snack source, including excellent coffee.

Several students offered “commercials” for upcoming book classes they are teaching, as well as information on maker days and other opportunities and events. After the workshop, Kathy remarked, “I was thrilled to see old friends and so many delightful new book artists and new-to-TBA book artists.

Post contributed by Sylvia Miller based on details provided by Betty Haskin and Kathy Steinsberger.  Photos provided by Betty and Kathy.