Register for Dan Essig’s Workshops BEGINS April 6th

Registration for Dan Essig Workshops Begins on April 6th

Daniel Essig will teach two workshops at Studio 200 in Carrboro May 16th and 17th 9-5. Registration for the workshops starts April 6th. Pleased do not email me before then. I will not hold your reservation. I am doing this because there is a lot of interest in the workshops and people who don’t check email everyday can register.

· Please sign up for only one workshop so more people can take a workshop. Maximum 10 participants/workshop.

· If you are interested in both workshops indicate that and if we don’t fill both, I will sign you up for a second.

· Please send your registration to, not to TBA.

· Email me before April 6th if you have any questions.

Saturday May 16th: Double Long Stitch Book ($125 + $25 materials fee)

Learn to make a playful double volume book. This all paper structure uses few tools and no glue. You will learn two variations of the binding, reinforcing the sewing pattern and opening the door for the endless possibilities of this sewing.

Sunday May 17th: Tree Book $125 + $20 materials fee.

Learn to create a pair of evergreen trees as an elegant book structure. By precisely scoring and folding a single leaf of paper we will produce a wonderful little tree fold book. We will protect our delicate trees within a handmade paper wrapper embellished with an inlayed window and linen cord closure and held together with a tacket binding.

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